Introducing the...

Conversation Foundations Program

Everything you need to achieve a conversational level in Spanish

  • Vocabulary you need to speak
  • Gain the confidence to speak Spanish
  • Stay consisent & motivated
  • Train your listening skills
  • Stay consisent & motivated
  • Lots of speaking practice & role plays
  • Be part of a community of like-minded learners

Ready to Unlock

the World of Conversational Spanish?

Lately, you've been working at your Spanish pretty consistently lately

And it finally feels like you have a grasp on the structural aspect of the language.

But when it comes time to SPEAK in Spanish...

You can feel your brain overloading as it struggles to think through all the structures you've learned just to say even simple sentences.

And trying to understand those fast speaking Mexicans...

Although you can pick up a few words, in the end, you know you are mostly guessing.

You KNOW the information is in your head somewhere!!

But you haven't had enough real-time speaking practice to start thinking in Spanish quickly.

If this struggle sounds familiar, it might be time to switch up the way you are learning and learn more about how we approach these all-to-common challenges in our courses!

Accelerate your Conversations Skills with Spanish Stories

Stories are a powerful way to easily and intuitively learn vocabulary, train your comprehention, and better understand structures of the language.

Leveraging this concept, we've crafted a series of 6 short Spanish stories that introduces a large part of the vocabulary that will be used in the group lessons.

Watch this video to learn more about how the Spanish Story Listening Course is a key part of the program and the rapid results our students have in the courses.

Prepare for Your Classes with Easy to Understand Videos & Activities

In the live classes with the teacher, we want to make every minute count and give our students LOTS of speaking practice time.

To do this, we provide students with a lesson to review BEFORE the live class which includes an easy to understand video which explains a new structure we will be practicing and lots of activities to lock it in.

Get ready to THINK, SPEAK, UNDERSTAND, and CONVERSE in Spanish

Each live class is dynamic, always fun, and challenges you in all the right ways to develop the skills you need to think quickly, understand spoken Spanish, and use what you have learned on the fly.

With only 5 students per class, you'll get the perfect amount of speaking time, lots of listening practice, and the opportunity to learn from others in the class!

Audio Lourdes (Slow):

Audio Luis (Relaxed Pace):

Read Along with the Text Here

El sábado por la noche, un grupo de amigos decide salir para pasar un buen fin de semana juntos.

Quieren hacer algo especial para celebrar el cumpleaños de su amiga María, así que deciden ir a cenar a un restaurante elegante en el centro de la ciudad.

Juan dice, “¡Amigos! ¿Están listos para pasar una noche increíble?”

María contesta, “¡Claro que sí!”

Todos se arreglan y se ven muy bien. Salen de sus departamentos y llaman un taxi.

**This is Part 1 of 5 of the Spanish Story which are on average 250-300 words each. There are 8 stories in the course.

SKYROCKET Your Listening Skills & Comprehension with Faster Spanish

Following our proven step-by-step listening methodology you will learn how to listen to audio in a way that is easy and gets you rapid results.

While you are training your listening, you will also be reviewing the key vocabulary & structures that we have covered in the course. This allows you to effortlessly lock in hundreds of words that are extremely common in spoken Spanish and key to understand conversations.

By the end of the course, you will be able to understand 90-95% the fast audio from the stories WITHOUT needing to read along!

It's time to Start the Exciting Journey of

Having Conversations in Spanish!

Join this dynamic program designed to get you speaking, build your confidence, keep you motivated, and provide unwavering support in all the right ways on your path to becoming conversational in Spanish!

Course Dates & Prices

Conversation Foundations (Level 4)

  • Get started right away with access explanation videos, worksheets, flashcards, and listening activities
  • 2 classes a week in small groups of 5 give you consistent speaking practice
  • Be part of our student community
  • Keep access to your course for 1 full year
  • Options to advance to Level 5 & Level 6 after completion

Upcoming Level 4 Courses:

  • Mon & Thurs at 10:00am (CST-Mexico City time)

• Sept 16 to Nov 7

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  • Tues & Fri at 11:30am (CST-Mexico City time)

• Oct 1 to Nov 22

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  • 199/mo USD - 3 payments
  • $579 USD one-time payment
  • 269/mo CAD - 3 payments
  • $799 CAD one-time payment