Spanish Story Listening Course

20 Short Spanish Stories to help you rapidly improve your listening and build your vocabulary!

Try a Lesson Now to See How it Works!

Step 1: Evaluate Your Listening

At the beginning of each story, you will listen to the audio to estimate your comprehension level. Don't worry if you only hear a few words or undertand the getneral idea. By the end of our 4-step process, you'll understand this audio perfectly!

Step 2: Read & Learn the Story (Really Well)

By carefully reading the story and looking up words, you will give you an excellent understanding of the story. Knowing the story very well will be a big help when you work on your listening comprehension in the next step!

Historia 4: El Mercado

Juan va al mercado. El mercado está lleno de gente y de colores. Hay muchos puestos dónde se venden frutas, verduras y ropa. Juan quiere comprar una camiseta nueva. Ve a un vendedor amable y le pregunta por el precio. Juan decide comprar la camiseta y también unos jeans.


  • ir (to go) - va (he goes)
  • estar (to be) - está (it is)
  • haber (to have/exist) - hay (there is / there are)
  • llenar (to fill) - está lleno (it is full)
  • vender (to sell) - se venden (they are sold)
  • querer (to want) - quiere (he wants)
  • comprar (to buy) - comprar (he wants to buy)
  • ver (to see)- ve (he sees)
  • preguntar (to ask) - pregunta (he asks) / le pregunta (he asks him)
  • decidir (to decide) - decide (he decides)


  • al (to the) - contraction (a + el)
  • por (for) - pregunta por el precio (he asks for the price)

Sustantivos (nouns):

  • el mercado (market)
  • la gente (people)
  • el color / los colores (color / colors)
  • los puestos (stands)
  • las frutas (fruits)
  • las verduras / los vegetales (vegetables)
  • la ropa (clothing)
  • la camiseta (t-shirt)
  • los jeans (jeans)
  • el precio (price)
  • el vendedor (vendor)


  • lleno/a (full)
  • nuevo/a (new)
  • amable (friendly)

Step 3: Connect the Words to the Sounds

Now that you know the vocabulary, we need to connect the sounds of Spanish to the meaning of the words. Read and listen to make sure you can hear every words before continuing!

Carlos (Slower Audio)

Carlos (Normal Audio)

Juan va al mercado. El mercado está lleno de gente y de colores. Hay muchos puestos dónde se venden frutas, verduras y ropa. Juan quiere comprar una camiseta nueva. Ve a un vendedor amable y le pregunta por el precio. Juan decide comprar la camiseta y también unos jeans.

Step 4: Listen, Understand & Feel the Magic!

You are so close to being able to understand this story with out reading along. Close your eyes and see how much you've already improved! Work on the story until you understand 100% without reading along.

Lourdes (Slower Audio)

Lourdes (Regular Audio)

Beyond the 20 Stories Included in the Course

You will also get...

Flashcards with Audio

To help you remember & easily review the 240 words introduced in this course, you will have access to our flashcard app. Each word has an audio clip so you can hear how it sounds.

To help you focus on the words that matter most, we've divided the flashcards into 3 categories:

• Fundamental Vocabulary (100 words)

• Core Vocabulary (87 words)

• Additional Vocabulary (53 words)

Master Spanish Verbs ⭐

We know verbs conjugations in Spanish are tricky at this stage and you need a TON of practice.

For each of the 20 stories lessons, we've included a 'verb practice' module that will help you practice using the new verbs introduced in the course. There are 400 questions to answer in this course!

Spanish Stories Listening Course!

Unlock Your Spanish Listening Skills

& Feel the Magic of Understanding Spoken Spanish!